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St. Joseph's Primary School, Ederney, Enniskillen


21st Oct 2024
Congratulations to the P6/7children who received Mathletics certificates over the...
17th Oct 2024
P2/3 planted daffodil bulbs around the school. We are looking forward to seeing the...
16th Oct 2024
P2/3 enjoyed a wonderful trip to Florencecourt as part of our Shared Education with...
16th Oct 2024
We had great fun playing with all our Maths games, discovering how to budget our...
11th Oct 2024
Mrs Gallagher’s class had great fun identifying autumn leaves and trees.
10th Oct 2024
Well done to these children on working so hard on Lexia. Congratulations and keep...
10th Oct 2024
Primary 3/4
24th Sep 2024
At the end of June, our pupils enjoyed harvesting the beautiful blackcurrants that...
22nd Sep 2024
Congratulations to Aodhan in P6 who became a word millionaire at the very end of...
22nd Sep 2024
On Roald Dahl Day, we all dressed up in yellow, Roald Dahl’s favourite colour....